URSAS contains

Our system will contains a lot of way.

For starters, these projects will help build the foundation for further development of the URSAS ecosystem

  1. URSAS Game platform

  2. URSAS Marketplace Оver The Counter

  3. URSAS Betting platform

  4. URSAS Training platform

Let's talk a little bit about each of the projects

URSAS Game platform

First, we want to conduct an experiment and check how our idea of rewards in the form of NFT works, the next and most important thing for users is the opportunity to earn.

It is also important to create a low entry threshold into the project - and our project has implemented this, the cost of the cheapest NTF will be only 0.01 $ SOL, we consider it very cheap and everyone will be able to afford to participate in the game.

URSAS Marketplace Оver The Counter

The idea is very simple, to create a platform on which anyone can place ads for the sale of any digital thing and not only digital. To create a clear and secure mechanism of interaction when selling accounts, projects, and services is the main goal of this part of our ecosystem.

URSAS Betting platform

For us it will be the most capacious and complex project. The project will allow the creation of events similar to bets, such bets can be public or closed, as well as closed and at the same time visible to the public.

In its first version not all the features that we have planned will be available to users, but after the update we will be able to expand the functions of the platform, as well as release add-ons for fast interaction with social networks and other projects.

We believe in the very great potential of this platform.

URSAS Training platform

This will be the last project in the first phase - so it will use the experience and knowledge gained during the creation of previous projects, its purpose will be to simplify the process of obtaining information for beginner founders to start crypto startups, evaluate the potential of projects, promote projects in various social networks.

A system of mentors, coaches and mentoring will be provided.

But the cherry on the cake will be Artificial Intelligence, which will evaluate trends, markets and develop a strategy for promotion.

The last project in the first phase will reveal more information about our main goal and task for the development of the entire URSAS ecosystem

It will be possible to learn more about each project in the next releases...

Last updated