As previously reported, most of the URSAS projects will be transferred to the management of the URSAS DAO.

After the launch of URSAS betting, we plan to launch the process of creating and launching the DAO.

DAO has three levels of members. The higher the level, the greater the responsibility and, accordingly, the higher the reward.

DAO membership will be determined by the presence of a DAO member in the NTF, as well as a wallet.

What does it mean?

In order to get a place in the DAO, potential members will need to participate in the auction. After participating in the auction, the member's wallet is assigned his place in the DAO, but on the voting day, you must have NFT URSAS DAO on the wallet.

Dao will have a limited number of seats, only 3500 seats.

For participation in the voting, each voter receives a co-reward in the form of DAO tokens, these tokens will be needed to exchange them for dividends from the project.

Devidents are equal to 2.5-5% of the net profit of the platforms. The final percentage and payout is formed by a vote of the DAO, payouts occur every three months.

Payments can be received not only by the user of the DAO.

More information will be provided in the next updates...

Last updated